The Testimony and the Care Bear Stare!

I was trackting out some apartments yesterday with my comp. It was a little cold, but we put on our coats and headed on out to do some good work. We knocked and knocked and knocked for the Lord. But alas, no one answered. But one.

His name was Joshua, a 30-something latino with a definitive accent. I couldn't quite make out what he was saying at times, although he was willing to listen to us go on and on about Jesus.

Then finally Joshua started going off about how the Mormon church was founded by a treasure hunter, which I quickly started humming a hymn in order to drown out his evil words.

But then it hit me: Care Bear Stare!

You see, you cannot destroy evil, or make it smell bad, only by the power of your own testimony (which is how we won the great skirmish in Heaven of 00'). You have to really, really, really stare, or bear, your testimony: Chest Out! And Bear!!! To this day, when church members go up to the pulpit on Fast and Testimony Sunday, they usually say, "I'd like to Bear my testimony," in solemn acknowledgment of the work the Care Bears have done for all Truth Bearers.

This is also why the Care Bear's did so well as a popular 80s cartoon; it preaches the eternal truths of dealing with unarmed combatants and soothsayers by using magical Testimony Powers. The Care Bear Stare Technology was a decisive advantage with the war on evil, and it continues to this day to be a powerful tool to fighting Stan and his forces.

The creators of the Care Bear's were actually acquainted with Testimony Technology through their contacts with church members in the late 70s and early 80s. They then used this same powerful force to teach kids every where how to defend themselves if they were ever in a dangerous situation.

I used my Testimony Powers against Joshua that night, and after 15 minutes of Powerful Testimony using the Care Bear Stare Technology, Joshua finally succumbed and told us he would go to our church on Sunday.

I just know he'll show up!!

Pray for me,

Elder Gandy


  1. 80's cartoons and shows really help me put life and the church into perspective.

    What was the A-Team but really the Three Nephites as white guys and one black guy. Of course, they could never tell you their true identity. Ah-hah!

    Every chance I get to care bear my testimony - I do! I even care bear my testimony to myself sometimes. My testimony is so powerful, I can give myself goose bumps. Sooo powerful.

    In the mission, I was known as 'Pure Power', cause I could get everyone to cry along with me. Church is so true sometimes it makes me wonder why we haven't made it out to space yet, to care bear our testimonies to other alien life forms.

    Tom L. Michigan. '76

  2. Elder, you have inspired me to post a letter that I wrote to my parents on my mission. God it is so funny to look back at who I was when I was a missionary. So full of... the spirit...

    Yep, i am pretty dang blessed here, even without a car, and cold
    weather. we had 3 investigators attend sacrament this past Sunday, we
    were able to teach 5 lessons to investigators with a member, and lots
    of other good things as well. All in all, I can't complain. I was
    sick yesterday and it started the day before that, but luckily I think
    it's all cleared up now. Thanks to the priesthood. I was feeling
    terrible, and was rolling around on the ground(don't worry mom) hoping
    to puke but couldn't, and then my companion gave me a blessing, and of
    course, 2 seconds later, i go and puke and feel a trillion times
    better. I shouldn't have doubted, and asked him for a blessing
    quicker, but... i did finally, and it worked.

    So, we have seen some worrisome things in the ghetto, but luckily we
    don't have to go in there too much. we had a pretty bad coldspell
    this last week, but luckily we have the busses, and friendly members
    to drive us where we need to be. ####### is still coming to church,
    hasn't been smoking since dec 31st, and is pumped for baptism, despite
    MANY family-related challenges that have popped up in her life
    recently. So, continue to pray for her.
    ### ########## is the other lady we have been working with that is
    close to baptism. She also has been encountering a slew or
    family-related problems and trials, (some of her own volition, and
    some not - if that's what i mean- or how you spell that word - if it
    means the right thing). Anyways, we have been talking about
    forgiveness with her, and forgiving others as well. She is in a tough
    situation where her kids father is not being too cooperative with her,
    and she is working with the court systems constantly to try and get
    custody of her children.

    I made a cloud or 2 this last week, when it was way cold, - just put
    some water on the stove, heat it up, and then throw it in the air
    outside -pretty funny to see. I'll try it in Texas and see how it
    compares. doubt it will do much though. Anyways.... we are working
    with this lady named "######" who is also doing pretty well. We
    discussed the Word of Wisdom with her, and told her that coffee was
    not good for her. She said that she didn't know that, but that now
    she would try and quit drinking it, even though she has done so for 55
    years or so. So, she definitely has a testimony of what we are
    teaching is true, because you don't just see that kind of
    dedication/commitme nt from someone who doesn't believe what we are
    teaching is true.

    We had an encounter with a guy on a bus, who stopped us, and argued
    with us for about 10 minutes. It was interesting to say the least,
    but it was not that damaging to our faith, strengthening if anything.
    He kept telling us if we were to believe anything, we would have to
    have archaelogical evidence to back it up. I then asked him what the
    scripture in the New Testament means when it says that we walk by
    faith, NOT by sight. (the whole seeing is believing schpeil). He
    didn't say anything really, and then i told him 2 things, 1-that
    spiritual truths can't be discerned by scientific matters (which theme
    was re-iterated in conference at least 3 times - 2 or 3 ago) ,and 2 -
    i bore him my testimony, and told him that the way i know that what i
    am doing is right, and that the book of mormon is true, is because i
    have read it, studied it, and i have asked God if it is true, and he
    has told me, time and time again. And, even if a trillion people
    tried to convince me otherwise, i would still know it is true until
    teh day i died. He didn't ahve much to say, and we eventually went on
    our way, but i find it so interesting that when people argue with you,
    they are trying to tear down the beliefs you already have, and we are
    trying to build up the beliefs others have, and add on to what they
    already treasure. It's an interesting world.
