My Mission is my 2nd Childhood

Ahhh, to be young again...yup, I'm living the dream; I'm living my 2nd childhood here in the mission field.

You see, my Mission President is my father, or Papa - and his wife - Mama. It's wonderful!! We get to eat all together for Christmas at Papa President's house. Mama President is there, with their wonderful family. We all sing and play games together, and then we get to eat some Christmas turkey, sometimes there's marshmallows there for me to eat :-)

It's great, because my Papa President tells me where to live, gives me my monthly allowance, tells me how to comb my hair, when to sleep, when to get up, who my friends will be and my house buddy (companion). It's wonderful!! Then we all get together as a big family during zone conferences and we get up and just cry and cry about how much we love each other, and our brother Jesus, and how we like to sign songs about Jesus.

It's wonderful. And then, Papa President meets with me at least once a month all on my own. We talk about life and about how I'm doing. He tells me stories about people long ago and what they did so they pleased Jesus. They're the best stories you've ever heard. After the stories, he asks if I masterbate at all, and then gives me a big hug when I tell him that I don't (although I do hear funny noises coming from my companions bed at night sometimes).

Living my 2nd childhood is the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's wonderful!! I don't have any responsibility; I can focus 110% on doing what I'm told to do, everyday. And it feels so good!!

Don't you wish you could serve a mission and live your 2nd childhood? You can, if you decide to get baptized. Do you want to get baptized?

Pray for me,

Elder Gandy


  1. Often times, when I'm lying on my back, I think about my mission childhood. It takes me back. Talking to those natives in their huts on the dirt floor was the single most important thing I've ever done. Poof. Now it's gone...floating only in my memory banks. But I still remember telling them what to do, and helping them see how God wants them to be like Him, or they'll go to outer darknesss.

    Poppa President and Momma President's wife were the single most influential couple in my life. I still call them on the phone. "Hey, what's's me your daughter."


  2. Sister Nancy, can I call you Nan?

    I know what you mean, and thank you for sharing your testimony.

    Whenever I'm having a hard day going door-to-door, or just kindy down in the dumps, I call my Papa President and say, "Hi, it's me, your son." I just want to hear his voice sometimes. It feels so good inside to know I'm loved.

    Then he asks me if I've done my work for the day, I say yeah, and he pats me on the head spiritually, letting me know that he approves of my hard work.

    Gosh, I just love my Papa and Mamma Presidents. They're spiritual giants!!

  3. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy the music on your webpage. The lyrics are so powerful:

    Oh, how lovely was the morning!
    Radiant beamed the sun above.
    Bees were humming, sweet birds singing,
    Music ringing thru the grove,
    When within the shady woodland
    Joseph sought the God of love. …

    Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing—
    ’Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer—
    When the pow’rs of sin assailing
    Filled his soul with deep despair;
    But undaunted, still he trusted
    In his Heav’nly Father’s care. …

    I am grateful daily, especially during this holiday season, for the sacrifice that Joseph Smith made for me.
