Happy Father's Day!

I attended church yesterday and I thought a lot about my father, not really my imperfect, tired, sometimes drunk on cupcakes, earthly father, but my heavenly father. Heavnely Father is perfect in every way, and he will never, ever touch you in your bathing suit area at night when the lights are out. Ever.

It was a super terrific meeting.

There were some great talks given during sacrament meeting. Here were some of my favorite quotes:

- "I used to go by my mother's room every night and see her on her knees every time"

- "The scriptures have never been very important for me" (I assume the speaker was trying to say that they were never a priority)

- "brothers and sisters, I've seen Jesus Christ. I've felt his hands and touched his feet" - said by a missionary ready to go on his mission to Florida.

- "Women of the church are supposed to get married and have babies, not go on missions." - again, said by the young man going on a mission

Those were a couple choice gems from the meeting that really lifted my spirits.

P-day is great. I get to wash my clothes, write on my blog, and then read some letters.

Pray for me

- Elder Gandy


  1. "It was a super terrific meeting."

    Way to keep up the spirit, Elder!

    I love, love, love going to the meetings and getting in contact with the spirit and closer to Heavenly Father on Kolob.

    It's kind of like a communication center for the unembodied, the unborn, and the post-departed earth bodies (angles).


  2. - Nancy,

    Yes! That's exactly what the meeting house is, a conduit to the spirits in the underworld!

    I love having the spirit 'work through me'. Usually, all I have to do is let my eyes roll back in my head, hold my breath, and then shriek in a high voice, and the spirit is there talking to those in need.

    I love Sunday meetings!

    Pray for me

    - Elder Gandy
