Angels on the Roof

Okay, the mission has been going great, but I've been so busy going door to door to door to door, that I thought I should write about a really super spiritual experience one of my ancestors had to share my testimony on my missionary blog (the one you're reading right now): angels on the roof of the Kirkland Temple.

This comes from my great, great, great grandpa's journal, Ammon Kingsley:

"In Kirtland, we enjoyed many great blessings, and often saw the power of God manifest. On one occasion I saw angels clothed in white walking upon the Temple. It was during one of our monthly fast meetings, when the Saints were in the Temple worshiping. A little girl came to my door and in wonder called me out, exclaiming: 'The meeting is on top of the meeting house."

I went to the door, and there saw the temple angels clothed in white covering the roof from end to end. They seemed to be walking to and fro; they appeared and disappeared before I realized they were not mortal men. Each time in a moment they vanished, and their reappearance was the same. This was in broad daylight, in the afternoon.

As I was watching the angels on the roof, I noticed in the distant part of the roof that there was not much room left for all the angels, and as one angel (I'll call him Larry) was moving about, he accidentally pushed another angel (I'll call him Thomas) off the roof.

The angle Thomas fell off the roof.

Thomas fell hard. I quickly ran to the side of the building where the angel Thomas had fallen, and in the bushes I heard a raspy voice, "oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack". I didn't know angels could feel pain, but apparently, this is true.

I lept towards the bushes in an attempt to help Thomas, and as I parted the bushes, to my divine surprise, the angel had quickly turned into a cat.

The cat slowly started to walk up to me. It was such a beautiful, heavenly cat, with orange and white spots. I wept like a little girl at the site of this fallen angel cat. I decided then and there that the cat was a gift to me, from Jesus himself, as a token of my faith.

So I took the cat home and named him. I named him Checkers.

Checkers and I became the best of friends. Often, I would ask Checkers what heaven was like, and how many mansions there were there. Checkers never really spoke back outloud with this angel voice, but I could read his little cat mind, and he told me of the fanciest of stories about heaven. I can't wait to go there."

Well, I can't wait to tell you more about Checkers. He was surely a divine, special cat. I know these things are true. I know it so hard. I know these things because I read them in a book. I love my mission, and I love the work I'm doing. Pray for me.

In the name of checker's and his god master, even Jesus Christ, amen.

- your pal,

Elder Gandy

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