Why Do LDS Missionaries Wear the Same Clothes?

Dear Elder Gandy,

Why do LDS Missionaries wear the Same Clothes? Every LDS missionary I've seen always wears the white shirt and black pants. Why? Is there some kinda strict dress code you have to follow? What if you don't want to wear those clothes? - Minnie S.

My Dear Minnie,

Yes, it's true. LDS Missionaries have to wear the same clothes. They usually wear a white shirt, black pants, a black name tag, a tie, black socks, and some business shoes. Why do we have to wear this?

LDS missionaries are just like the Three Amigos

I'll answer that with a question. Have you ever seen the movie, The Three Amigos? In that movie, you will find your answer. To make a long story short, three amigos, or three friends to us english speakers, had to fight the infamous El Guapo, who was a very evil man set on destroying a small town and eating all of its goats.

But the Three Amigos stood up to El Guapo. How did they do this? Easy, with a trick. The Three Amigos had everyone in the town make costumes just like theirs. So every single person in the town looked just like one of the Three Amigos.

When El Guapo came to town to get the three amigos, they were shocked at seeing all of the 'Amigos' in the town running around, shooting, and going up the stairs. They couldn't believe their eyes, so they kinda went insane. In the process, the town's people shot and killed El Guapo and his men.

What does this have to do with LDS missionaries?

I hope you can see now why every single missionary wears the same clothes. We're all in on a really large trick. We do it to fight El Guapo, or his boss, Satan. You see, in every town, and in every village, you will find LDS missionaries. And in every town, and in every village, they are all dressed the same!

Isn't it wonderful!! We do it so when Satan appears in a town or a village, he'll be like, "No way, I just saw you LDS Missionaries in the other town?! You can't be here and there! Ahhh, I'm going insane!!"

Bam. Dead. We got him. Tricked him so, so hard.

That's why we all dress the same. Just like the Three Amigos, we will shock the Satan. We will get him. And he will be fooled by our clothes and he'll never ever know we're all different people on the inside.

Pray for me,

- Elder Gandy


  1. Elder,

    You are truly inspired to have been revealed this analogy between the Three Amigos and missionary clothing. I know you must be reaching hundreds, if not thousands of souls who are needing you to serve as a conduit for God's revelation to them; that is, until you baptise them and give them the gift of the Holy Ghost whereby they may receive those messages directly. In the world of spiritual conduits, you are a broadband man.

  2. Brother Mcdonald,

    I'm so, so, so glad you're catching the spirit of this work. It's a work that will go on and on and on, until the end, yeah, even the end of some time.

    You're so right. Oh, if I could stand on top of other people, and proclaim the truth of the Marshmallow theory of God. Oh that I could scream into other peoples' faces: God is so good and delicious!!

    But I'm stuck here. In the land of digital 1s and 0s to speak the only truth that exists outside of Math.

    God is real. Real good. And so is his church. They are both yummy to the taste. Try it. Eat it. Go ahead, it's good for you, and not many calories.

    In the name of the guy that wore the robes and ate some bread,

    even Jesus,


    Pray for me,

    Elder Gandy

  3. I ran across you're answers to why you the missionaries dress all the same!What yoy forgot is some of us members dress this way! Why? Because I like the idea of this type of dress white shirt, dark black pants and tie, shoes and socks etc. I've been a member going on 20 years. Did you know no kidding that some of the LDS Missionaries are UFO aliens no lie dude! One made friends with me! We all found out later he was an alien. Members told me this and too another missionary! Why? I heard it's an exchange program deal. So you learned some thing new!
