Latest Adventures

One day we were tracting and we went to a door and Elder Rogers (my new companion) kinda froze and I was like knock on the door and he said look at the sticker on the door, then I looked and it said "NO RELIGIOUS SOLICITATIONS AT ANY TIME".

It was funny to see something like that, but we did knock anyway. We just had a district meeting yesturday and I had to train on patience. But I wasn't going to let some stupid little sign stop my brothers and sisters from getting the ONLY true and living church. It's alive. The church is Alive PEOPLE!!

You know that one show, I saw it along time ago on some cable channel, but there were these guys in space, and they were there in space, and the space ship was ALIVE! I think the spaceship's name was Hal. It would always say, "Hal, what are you doing?" and stuff.

So, yeah, the church is just alive and it's just like that spaceship. So when we don't do what the church says, it will say something like, "Elder Gandy, why aren't you paying your tithing?" or "Elder Gandy, what you doing? Why don't you go to my church?"

That's so true, I know it is. The church is alive and in charge.

Then today for p-day we are going to the TEMPLE YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA. We are really excited. We had 3 team-up, which are when we go with our District Leader or Zone Leader and then we also went with the APs.

Life is so good hear in the mission field. So full of opportunities to share the most important thing on earth, my testimony.


  1. Sometimes when I get real real scared like of the boogey man and stuff, or if i don't get a good grade in school, i just remember that god has chosen his prophet on his earth these days.

    How did he do it? He called him to find a book in a mountain - a hidden book of gold.

    And on that book were all kinds of weird marks = ( R {{" like that.

    And God told him to translate it! And he did, he transalted the book of gold into english.

    That's what real prophets do. 'nuff said.

    Great work serving the Lord, Elder! Keep it up!

  2. Anonymous, I'm going to call you Jared, because it's just easier to type Jared instead of anonymous.

    Jared, you are so, so, so right. That's why I love being a missionary. I get to go door to door to door to door to door to door to door - wo, I mean I get to go to door to door to door to door, shoot, my mind just won't stop typing that...

    anyway, I get to go to door to door to tell our brothers and sisters of the great work that has been rotten on this earth. A book, a super book, has been translated. And in that one book are the answers to every single problem of this life.

    That's how God communicates from space, through books. And in that book are the answers to all of life's problems.

    For instance, do you have a headache? Read from the book, and then pray for it to go away. It will!

    Again, do you have trouble viewing dirty pictures on your computer? Yup, pray and read in the book, and you will see that your problems go away.

    Even this, global thermal nuclear war between two systematic forms of governing bodies, the answer? Uh-huh, read and pray. It's that simple!!

    Gosh, if the leaders would just do that, all of our problems would be solved.

    Now, who's hungry for some ice cream!

  3. I know what you mean Elder.

    Last night I lost the keys to my dad's car. (he get's real angry when I do it...i get scared sometimes).

    Anyways, so i knew the way to find my car keys was if i prayed. so i knelt in the driveway of my neighborhood (that's where i thought i lost them...lots of cars were passing by honking, giving me encouragement)

    so, no sooner than when i got off my knees i felt prompted to read the golden book that our prophet translated int english. IT WORKED!!

    Inside of the book was a torn up piece of paper from the yellow pages, and on the yellow pages was the ad for a locksmith!!!! "If you lose your keys, call 333-3333!...or some number like that."

    Can you believe the miracels!!

    p.s. you can call me jared, cause mom told me not to give out my name and address on the internet.
