A CHRISTmas time

I'm so glad to be apart of the building of Zion. The gospel truly is going to every nation, kindred, and tongue, and religion!! I love being a missionary!!

Last Christmas there was a lot of attention on material things, this year there is nothing but the glow of a few lights, our study materials, and meals made for us by some of the members. This will be a very quiet Christmas.

I'm so, so, so lucky to be here on my mission during CHRISTmas, because really, my real family is my Heavenly Father, and my Heavenly brother, Jesus. That's it. My earth family is awesome, but let's face it, Jesus is truly awesomer.

I get a whole 10 minutes to talk to my earthly family. It's going to be awesome, awesome, great! A whole 10 minutes to tell them exactly how I feel about my super special brother, Jesus, and how he's done so, so, so much for us and we don't ever really thank him.

I'm going to tell my earthly father how much I've learned about my Heavenly Father, and how truly great Heavenly Father is in every single little tiny way, even in the invisible ways, and in the ways we wouldn't think he would be awesome, he is. That's him, that's our Heavenly Father. Gosh I wish I could hug him right now.


This past week has been a little tough. We've been decorating our place with all kinds of CHRISTmas decorations, and at one time, we had the whole place lit up with lights, but then we couldn't sleep because it was so bright at night, and my companion was yelling at me, "Go unplug 'em, Gandy!"

It hurts sometimes when he calls me that, like I'm not an Elder, because I am, I'm an Elder in the church.

Anyways, I try to not let him get to me. I think tomorrow I'll shine his shoes to show him how much I truly love him. And then I'll swab the kitchen floors and make his breakfast just the way he wants it.

He has me make his breakfast almost every morning. He tells me its making me a good missionary. And then he has me go out and get the morning paper, and then to tie his shoes, make his bed, brush his teeth, and lay out his clothes. He told me that's just what Jesus did, and I want to be just like Jesus, so I'll do it. I'll do it.

Anyways, Merry Christmas!!! And don't forget the reason for the season. And don't forget to write your favorite missionary!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to show him the way to Christ, Elder!

    It's been a good 20 years since I've been out in the field, but I don't regret one day of it. It was the sweetest most intimate time I had with my Heavenly Father.

    Keep up the good work and Merry CHRISTmas.

    your brother in Jesus,
