What do Mormons do in Temples

Dear Elder Gandy,

I've been seeing all these temples around, and I know that Mormons go to these temples, but what exactly do Mormons do in temples? - truthfully yours, Mindy Meyers

Dear Sister Meyers,

That is such a great question. What do Mormons do in Temples? Well, what don't they do!! Just kidding, Mormons (of which I am) do many things in the temple, but I'm going to talk about one thing that I really find to be worthy of note.

Temples are for making cookies

If you know of any Mormons, or you have met some, it's only a matter of time until they stop by your house and drop off a plate of cookies. Yum. I know what you're thinking, "did he just say cookies". Yes, I did.

You see, cookies have a spiritual significance for Mormons. Back in the pioneer days, when the Mormons were crossing the plains into the Salt Lake City, they were all out of food. They only had a few cookies left in their treasure chests. So, knowing that they were about to die because they didn't pack much food for their journey, they prayed.

And boy did they pray. They prayed so hard that God answered their prayers. The treasure chest was full of cookies, overflowing to feed all the pioneers until the next spring when they could plant crops.

What does that have to do with the temple?

In the Mormon Temples, they have special baking ceremonies where they make cookies in a special ceremony. It's not secret, it's sugary goodness. And they bake and bake. They bake all night in the temple (the spires are so tall because they are actually chimneys where smoke comes out from the giant ovens). And they bake all the cookies all the time, all day and night long.

You wouldn't believe it, but inside the Temples it's a lot like Willy Wonka's factory, except for chocolate, it's a giant cookie factory.

Then, when Mormons find a new recruit that they want to join the club, they send out a cookie patrol to bring you a fresh baked plate of cookies straight from the special temple ceremonies. Don't worry, they've been blessed. The cookies are made special just for you.

That's what Mormons do in Temples.

Pray for me,

Elder Gandy


  1. That would certainly explain the wearing of aprons and bakers hats!

  2. Yes, Brother McDonald, you are correct that the secret clothing is tied to the order of the Bakers.

    Many people think it was the Masons, but that's not correct, anyone with any cooking background obviously knows that the uniforms in the temple are bakers uniforms.

    Inside the Temple is where we prepare and bake the cookies that are sent out by the missionaries the world over.

    Even myself, on a good day, I can deliver 12 dozen cookies, door to door, but somedays, people reject the cookies, and that can be really tough. The cookies go dry, and we have to bury them in a secret ceremony.

    Pray for me,

    - Elder Gandy
